With 2018 wrapping up, it’s an ideal time to take a look at your credit report and make sure your credit score is in line with your goals for the year.

Your credit report is a detailed look at your credit habits and the types of debt you have outstanding. Simply put, it's a picture of your credit.

A strong score is worth money because it saves you in excess costs. If you’re considering making a major purchase like buying a house or paying for a wedding, it’s especially important to make sure that your credit is in order. Reviewing your credit report annually helps ensure that there’s no fraudulent activity or inaccurate information negatively impacting your credit.

Federal law requires that each of the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) gives you a free credit report every 12 months, but you have to ask for it. If you have children, you may want to check their credit report as well to avoid fraudulent activity.

Whatever your plans for 2019, consider starting the year by checking your credit report to put you on the right path to accomplish your financial goals. If you have any questions, our knowledgeable bankers are here to help.